The distribution network service providers (DNSPs) participating in the Victorian Government’s Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) (or smart meter) roll-out program are required to apply to the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) to annually revise their metering charges for the period 2013–2015. These charges revision applications provide the DNSPs the opportunity to adjust charges that were determined by the AER in its 2011 Determination, to account for differences between the forecast expenditure approved by the AER and actual expenditure incurred by the DNSP.
On 31 August 2012, the AER received the charges revision applications from all five Victorian DNSPs. These applications contained revised 2013 metering charges that take into account actual expenditures incurred by the DNSP in 2011. The process for determining the AMI charges is set out in the AMI Order in Council (the AMI OIC) made under the Electricity Industry Act 2000 (Vic).
On 31 October 2012, the AER released a determination outlining revised 2013 AMI or smart meter charges.