Consumer matters
Issue date
AER reference
AC 38/12

Welcome to the new website of the Australian Energy Regulator (AER). The redesigned site aims to help our stakeholders find the information they want more quickly. It also aims to satisfy new accessibility obligations on all government agencies.

Consistent with the approach in our flagship State of the Energy Market reports, the new website is structured into segments reflecting the energy supply chain. Each segment can be accessed from the home page and a left-hand navigation bar. The four segments are: wholesale markets, networks and pipelines, retail markets and a section dedicated to consumers. Each segment includes a plain English overview, outlines our role, and provides information such as determinations, guidelines and schemes. Using a series of filters, users can quickly locate performance and compliance reports produced by the AER relevant to that segment.

The home page also provides a quick access to current AER projects, the State of the Energy Market report, and will provide a link to our retail price comparator site once it is launched on 1 July 2012. The website will introduce a new resource centre that provides information on the Australian energy industry, including background on the history of energy reform and links to the legislation. It will also present information on the performance of the energy sector over the longer term in graphical and tabular form.

The website uses a new content management system that allows greater flexibility for creating, filtering and searching content. Information has been structured and tagged to enable users to tailor information to suit their needs – such as by sector (electricity / gas), segment (wholesale / transmission / distribution / retail), region or player.

A new self-managed subscription service will enable targeted and effective communication with stakeholders. For example, if a stakeholder is interested only in retail issues, they can restrict communications from the AER for this area.

Subscribers to the AER’s current email alert system will need to set up a new subscription via the subscription service link on the homepage. The AER will continue to operate both services until the end of June 2012, when the old service will be phased out.

Significant effort has been undertaken to migrate historical material from the old to the new site. This process will, however, continue over the coming weeks.

The AER would welcome feedback about the new website from its stakeholders, either via the website feedback form or by emailing the AER directly AERInquiryataer [dot] gov [dot] au (AERInquiry[at]aer[dot]gov[dot]au).