The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has today released its ‘Guidance on electricity consumption benchmarks on residential customers’ bills’.
Under the National Energy Retail Rules (Retail Rules), which are expected to commence on 1 July 2012, a retailer must include electricity consumption benchmarks on residential customers’ bills.
The purpose of electricity consumption benchmarks is to allow residential customers to compare their household electricity usage with similar households in their area. This will, in turn, assist customers to make more informed choices about how they use electricity in their homes.
The AER has developed the guidance to assist energy retailers in complying with their obligations regarding the electricity consumption benchmarks. It does not include additional requirements but provides the AER’s view on how compliance with the electricity consumption benchmarks obligations could be met.
‘Guidance on electricity consumption benchmarks on residential customers’ bills’ has been written in consultation with various stakeholders including energy retailers, the Energy Retailers Association of Australia (ERAA), the Consumer Information and Implementation Committee (CIIC), the AER’s Customer Consultative Group (CCG) and the Joint Implementation Group (JIG).