On 27 February 2012 ActewAGL Distribution (ActewAGL) notified the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) of two errors relating to its forecast superannuation costs in the 2009-14 ACT electricity distribution determination. ActewAGL requested that the AER use its discretion under clause 6.13 of the transitional chapter 6 rules to correct the errors.
The AER has determined that the elements of clause 6.13 of the transitional chapter 6 rules have been met, for both errors. The circumstances surrounding the errors are such that the AER will exercise its discretion to revoke and substitute the 2009-14 ACT distribution determination to the extent necessary to rectify both errors.
A copy of the AER decision has been published, which includes an appendix with the tables in the ACT 2009-14 distribution determination that have been amended as a result of the AER decision, including expected revenues and X-factors. An updated version of ActewAGL’s post tax revenue model has also been published.