Issue date
AER reference
AC 496/11

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has made its final determinations to set fire start targets for the Victorian electricity distribution network service providers (DNSPs) CitiPower, Jemena, Powercor, SP AusNet and United Energy under the Victorian Government’s f-factor scheme for the 2012-15 period. The AER has made these final determinations after considering the submissions received to the draft determinations, which were published for consultation on 5 October 2011.

The AER’s final determinations are made under the f-factor scheme order 2011 (the Order), published on 23 June 2011. The Order requires the AER to make these determinations by no later than 31 December 2011.

The f-factor scheme is intended to provide incentives for Victorian DNSPs to reduce the risk of fire starts and to reduce the risk of loss or damage caused by fire starts. For the first four years (2012-15), DNSPs will be either rewarded or penalised at the incentive rate of $25,000 per fire for performing better or worse than their respective fire start targets.

The AER’s final determinations and decision are available on the website.