The AER has appointed Ms Shirli Kirschner of Resolve Advisors Pty Ltd as the National Gas Rules Dispute Resolution Adviser.
As the Adviser, Ms Kirschner will be responsible for the effective operation of the dispute resolution provisions under Part 15C of the National Gas Rules. These provisions provide a framework that facilitates simple, quick and inexpensive resolution of disputes between gas market participants, and aims to preserve relationships between the parties and reduce the need for formal legal representation or the use of legal procedures.
We look forward to working with her, and encourage participants to give their full cooperation and support to Ms Kirschner and to the scheme.
In the coming weeks, Ms Kirschner will contact gas market participants to establish a list of dispute management contacts. Ms Kirschner will also develop the necessary guidelines and forms to support the scheme, and establish a panel of experts which can be drawn on in resolving disputes. Details will be available on the AER's website.
Ms Kirschner can be contacted on 0411 380 380 or by email at shirliresolveadvisors [dot] com [dot] au (shirli[at]resolveadvisors[dot]com[dot]au).
This appointment will take effect from 1 November 2009, and will continue until 30 June 2011. At that time, the AER will seek expressions of interest from suitably qualified persons in both this role and the role of National Electricity Market Dispute Resolution Adviser.