Issue date
AER reference
AC 143/08

After considering submissions on the proposal to make an annual compliance order, the AER has today released its draft decision to make an annual compliance order. The order is to obtain information and documentation from service providers of covered transmission or distribution pipelines to ascertain compliance with their general and specific duties (annual compliance order).

Invitation for submissions

The AER seeks submissions on its modified proposal to make an annual compliance order.

The modified proposal, the draft decision to make an annual compliance order and a summary of submissions and responses arising from the consultation about the proposal and the Draft Annual Compliance Guideline can be found on the AER’s website.

The AER prefers that all submissions be in an electronic format and publicly available. Submissions will be treated as public documents. Submissions can be sent electronically to annualcomplianceataer [dot] gov [dot] au (annualcompliance[at]aer[dot]gov[dot]au)

The closing date for submissions on the modified proposal is by 5.00 pm A.E.D.T., 24 October 2008.