To supplement the voluntary gas supply hub located at Wallumbilla, the Moomba hub was established from 1 June 2016 to facilitate trade on the Moomba to Adelaide Pipeline (MAP) and Moomba to Sydney Pipeline (MSP). A spread product also allows for trading between the Wallumbilla and Moomba markets on the SWQP (representing the price differential between the two hubs at the MSP and WAL trading locations).
This figure is a summary of quarterly trading activity in the Moomba gas supply hub by category of trading participant type. Participant categories include traders who: export or produce gas (Export/producer); participate in the retailing of gas or generation of electricity using gas (Gentail/GPG); use gas for industrial purposes (Industrial), or; participate in the supply hub as a trader (Trader). The figure displays a quarterly average of the different number of participants falling into each of the categories, based on the participants that have placed orders on the exchange on a monthly basis.