What is Pipeline Capacity Trading and the Day Ahead Auction?

Pipeline capacity trading allows gas market participants to trade spare gas pipeline capacity to improve the efficiency with which gas is allocated and used in transmission pipelines and compressors outside of the Victorian Declared Transmission System.

Efficient use of pipeline capacity lowers the overall cost of providing gas services to consumers.

Pipeline capacity trading includes the Capacity Trading Platform (CTP) for trading secondary capacity, and the Day-Ahead Auction (DAA), which makes contracted but un-nominated capacity available to gas service providers.

AEMO is responsible for operating the CTP and DAA. Learn more. 

Our role

The AER is responsible for monitoring and enforcing compliance with Gas Law, Gas Rules and AEMO procedures in relation to pipeline capacity trading.

We have published a record keeping guideline relating to nominations and scheduling and setting out how the operators of pipelines and compressors should maintain their nominations and renominations records.

AER Day Ahead Auction Record Keeping Guideline

Capacity trading exemptions

Under the Gas Rules, a gas transportation facility may apply to the AER for an exemption from all or some aspects of the CTP and DAA.

We determine whether an exemption is granted and subject to conditions. We also maintain a public register of exemptions.

To apply for an exemption, refer to the CTP/DAA exemption form.

Capacity Trading Platform (CTP)/DAA exemption form (part 24)

Public register of exemptions

View the pipeline capacity trading exemptions we have granted to gas transportation facilities in line with national gas rules.

Go to the register