The report includes the following state quick reference infographic highlighting key information:

AER Retail Energy Market - Tasmania residential infographic 2016-17 - colour

AER Retail Energy Market - Tasmania residential infographic 2016-17 - greyscale

Text version of infographic

  • 238,374 residential electricity households

Energy affordability

Percentage of disposable income spent by low income households on a median market offer:

  • Electricity 8.5% (or 6.5% with concession)

Cost of energy bills

Energy bills of a low income household (consuming 6,500kWh)

Annual bill on median market offer was

  • Electricity $2032 (up 3.5%) Concession $1538 (up 3.9%) 


Customers repaying debt under a retailer’s hardship program

  • Electricity
    • 0.93% of customers
    • $1750 is the average debt upon entry to a hardship program (down $116)
    • $1339 is the average debt (up $72)

Debt levels (non-hardship)

Non-hardship customers repaying a debt

  • Electricity 1.5%. $756 is the average electricity debt per customer (up $17)


Total number of customers disconnected for non-payment

  • Electricity 1,016 down from 1,172