How to dispute a connection offer

If your distributor has made you a formal connection offer, and you feel that the connection cost is too high or that the terms and conditions are not fair and reasonable, there are steps you can take to resolve the problem.

In the first instance, you should contact the distributor to explain the problem, and the outcome you want. If you applied through your energy retailer, you may need to contact your retailer in the first instance.

If your complaint remains unresolved, the AER has a specialist team that undertakes assessments of customer connection offers from electricity distribution businesses under Part 10 of the National Electricity Law. 

The processes explained...

Connecting for the first time

We explain the processes you need to follow to get electricity or gas services physically connected to your property for the first time or if you need to increase the capacity of an existing connection.

Electricity connection disputes

We've outlined the process the AER uses to consider and determine customer connection complaints and disputes with electricity distribution businesses.  

Gas connection disputes

We've outlined the process the AER uses to consider and determine customer connection complaints and disputes with gas distribution businesses.  


If, after reviewing this information and attempting to resolve the matter directly with your distributor, you would like the AER to undertake an assessment of the quoted services, please provide the following in writing:

  • the full name of the applicant;
  • the address or location of the property;
  • any relevant documentation or correspondence including an official quote from the distributor if available; and
  • consent for us to provide the applicant details to the distributor or relevant parties in our effort to resolve the matter.