The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) published its draft rate of return guideline and explanatory statement for consultation on 30 August 2013. This draft guideline was the final released as part of our Better Regulation program. It sets out the approach we intend to take to determine the allowed rate of return for both electricity and gas service providers.
Following the release of the draft guideline we held a one-hour information session presented by AER Chairman, Andrew Reeves. During the presentation we invited stakeholders to email or twitter questions, leaving time at the end of the presentation for Mr Reeves to answer some of those questions.
We have now published Mr Reeves’ speech on our rate of return webpage along with answers to all questions asked during the session, including questions we did not have time to address during the session.
One of the improvements we have sought to make through the Better Regulation program is to be innovative in the way in which we engage with our stakeholders. We asked stakeholders who participated in the session to complete an evaluation afterwards and received a very positive response. We will also take into account the feedback stakeholders provided on how we could improve such sessions. Based on feedback we may hold similar sessions in future that are shorter, and with more emphasis on the question and answer part of the session.