The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has welcomed today’s rule change by the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) that provides greater protections and assistance for energy customers affected by family violence.
AER Chair, Ms Clare Savage said the AER had strongly supported the initial request by Red Energy and Lumo Energy, and the subsequent rule change by the AEMC.
“We advocated for an approach that would largely achieve consistency across the national energy market in how consumers with a lived experience of family violence are protected, to minimise the cost impact to energy businesses,” Ms Savage said.
Ms Savage said the AER will launch a Consumer Vulnerability Strategy in October which includes actions to prioritise a review of the exempt selling guideline, to consider if these protections should apply to embedded networks.
“We will work closely with consumer groups and energy businesses to assist retailers with implementing the final rule that commences on 1 May 2023,” she said.
“We will provide clarity on how to achieve compliance and reduce the cost of compliance, through our guidance and we will take action when necessary to enforce the rules.”