On 22 September the ACCC released its draft determination on authorisation under Part VII of the Trade Practices Act 1974 of the Western Australian Wholesale Electricity Market Rules (the Market Rules).
The ACCC proposes to grant authorisation to the Market Rules without conditions.
The draft determination and any submissions received are available on the ACCC’s website.
The ACCC invites interested parties to notify in writing by 6 October whether they wish the ACCC to hold a conference in relation to this draft determination. Alternatively, interested parties may make written submissions to the ACCC. These must be received by 30 October 2006 using the contact details mentioned below.
If a conference is requested, it will be held at a time and place to be notified. Interested parties who receive a copy of the draft determination and any other interested parties whose presence the ACCC considers appropriate are entitled to participate. Following the conference, the ACCC will take into account any relevant issues raised and any related submissions, and issue a final determination.
If no conference is called or written submissions received, then the draft determination will form the basis of the final determination. A person dissatisfied with the final determination may apply to the Australian Competition Tribunal for its review.
The ACCC has also granted interim authorisation to the proposed conduct. The interim will expire at the date the final determination comes into effect.
Interested parties may make submissions by sending them electronically to AERInquiryaer [dot] gov [dot] au (AERInquiry[at]aer[dot]gov[dot]au), or to:
Mike Buckley
General Manager
Networks Regulation North
Australia Energy Regulator
PO Box 1199
Dickson ACT 2602
Unless confidentiality is requested submissions will be publicly available and placed on the ACCC's public register and website. If you wish to include information that is confidential it should be clearly marked as such. A statement providing reasons for the confidentiality claim should also be submitted.