On 30 March 2012, the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) received access arrangement proposals from Envestra (Albury), Envestra (Victoria), Multinet and SP AusNet for the 2012 Victorian Gas Access Arrangement Review.
The AER has conducted a preliminary examination of the access arrangement proposals and found a nominated averaging period was omitted from the proposals. In accordance with sub-rule 43(3) of the National Gas Rules (NGR), the information submitted in the access arrangements is, in the AER’s opinion, deficient in its comprehensiveness or in any other respect. The AER has requested the gas distribution companies, in accordance with sub-rule 43(3)(b) of the NGR, to submit further access arrangement information as an addendum to the information already submitted.
The AER has requested the companies nominate an averaging period for the market data such as risk free rate and debt risk premium.
In accordance with sub-rule 11(1)(b) of the NGR, any period taken by the gas distribution companies to provide further information in response to the notice issued by the AER, shall be disregarded for the purpose of calculating the decision making time for approving or refusing to approve the access arrangement proposals and the decision making time under rule 10 of the NGR.
Further inquiries
For any other inquiries about the 2012 Victorian Gas Access Arrangement Review, please contact the AER on (02) 6243 1233. Alternatively, inquiries can be sent electronically to VicGARRaccc [dot] gov [dot] au (VicGARR[at]accc[dot]gov[dot]au).