If you have received this email it means that you are listed on the Australian Energy Regulators communication list in regards to Gas matters. Information that you are likely to receive through these communications are:
- Access arrangement reviews this will include:
- Notification of any key decisions or proposals publicly released and available on the AER website
- Call for submissions in response to a proposal or decision released
- An update about general information regarding gas reviews including any public forums that may be held or other information about a review process being undertaken.
If you wish to stay on this communication list can you please respond to this email confirming the following details:
- Name
- Position title
- Company
- Mail address
- Contact phone numbers
- Email Address
If you don't respond you will be removed from this list. If there are other staff members you think should be included can you please pass this email onto them. For those businesses that I receive an out of office reply from I will continue to keep you on this list unless notified otherwise when you return.
Thanks for your assistance.