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On 1 July 2024, we published new customer export curtailment values (CECVs) based on AEMO’s updated inputs and assumptions. We also published Oakley Greenwood’s summary note, which details the new inputs and assumptions and discusses key changes compared to inputs and assumptions use to update CECVs in 2023. 

For the first time, we have also published emissions intensity profiles to be used by networks in combination with CECVs. To establish these values, the CECV model has been re-simulated by reducing demand by a small amount, or ‘perturbing demand’, and calculating the reduction in emissions from the system. This calculation is done for every hour and region for each quarter over the same 20-year period used for calculating CECVs.

We have also updated the DNSP model, which helps networks practically implement CECVs for export service investment projects, to include instructions on how it is to be used with the emission intensity profiles. This model is a large file and is not published on our website. Stakeholders can request the DNSP model by emailing to AERInquiryataer [dot] gov [dot] au (AERInquiry[at]aer[dot]gov[dot]au).

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