On 13 March 2008, the AER received a notice of proposed pass-through for network support from non-network sources during the 2008–09 financial year from TransGrid, the New South Wales electricity transmission network service provider. TransGrid submits the notice for verification by the AER. TransGrid submits the network support will provide up to 350MW of effective support during the summer of 2008–09 as part of the Western 500kV conversion project.
The notice and accompanying appendices of explanatory materials are being considered in accordance with the ACCC's Decision on NSW and ACT Transmission Network Revenue Cap - TransGrid 2004–05 to 2008–09.
TransGrid's notice of proposed pass-through is attached. The notice will also be available on the AER's website along with those appendices not subject to commercial confidentiality.
Interested parties are invited to make submissions on the application. Submissions may be sent electronically to AERinquiryaer [dot] gov [dot] au (AERinquiry[at]aer[dot]gov[dot]au), or alternatively, mailed to:
Mike Buckley
General Manager
Network Regulation North Branch
Australian Energy Regulator
GPO Box 3131
The closing date for submissions is 1 April 2008.
Unless confidentiality is requested submissions will be publicly available on the AER's website. If you wish to include information that is confidential it should be clearly marked as such. A statement providing reasons for the confidentiality claim should also be submitted.