The AER received numerous submissions in response to its Assessing distributed energy resources integration expenditure consultation on how to calculate the benefits of enabling increased DER (solar PV) export. In response to these submissions, the AER commissioned CSIRO and Cutler Merz to conduct a study into potential methodologies for valuing DER. CSIRO and Cutler Merz’s Value of Distributed Energy Resources Methodology Study is nearing completion. A draft report is due to be released in early September for stakeholder consideration.
We invite stakeholders to register to attend either of two public forums (to be held via a web platform) to take place in mid-September 2020. The purpose of these forums is to provide stakeholders with an overview of the draft report and an opportunity to ask questions to help inform their submissions. The two forums will be the same in nature – stakeholders are invited to attend whichever forum best suits them.
Stakeholders can register to attend either forum via the CSIRO’s website: Webinar-1 or Webinar-2.
For any enquiries or questions about the public forum please email vaderstudy2020aer [dot] gov [dot] au (subject: Value%20of%20Distributed%20Energy%20Resources%20Methodology%20Study) (vaderstudy2020[at]aer[dot]gov[dot]au).