On 10 May 2013, the AER released the consultation paper on Rate of return guidelines for consultation as a part of the Better Regulation reform program 2013.
The Rate of return guidelines will set out how we intend to apply the new rules framework to set rates of return for network business that meet the long term interest of consumers. This will involve setting out high level regulatory criteria that will guide our assessment of methodologies, financial models, market data and other evidence to determine returns on equity and debt that make up the overall rate of return.
Invitation for submissions
Interested parties are invited to make written submissions to the AER regarding the consultation paper by the close of business, 14 June 2013. Submissions should be sent electronically to: rateofreturnaer [dot] gov [dot] au (rateofreturn[at]aer[dot]gov[dot]au). Alternatively, submissions can be sent to:
Mr. Warwick AndersonGeneral Manager – Network Regulation Branch
Australian Energy Regulator
GPO Box 3131
Canberra ACT 2601
The AER prefers that all submissions be sent in an electronic format in Microsoft Word or other text readable document form and publicly available, to facilitate an informed, transparent and robust consultation process. Accordingly, submissions will be treated as public documents and posted on the AER's website, unless prior arrangements are made with the AER to treat the submission, or portions of it, as confidential. Those wishing to submit confidential information are requested to:
- clearly identify the information that is the subject of the confidentiality claim; and
- provide a non-confidential version of the submission