Issue date
AER reference
AC 008/06

The ACCC has released its Draft Determination on the application for authorisation of joint marketing conduct by the participants in the PNG Gas Project.

The applicants are proposing that joint marketing will be undertaken within the context of ring-fencing and confidentiality arrangements designed to protect commercially sensitive information.

The ACCC proposes to grant authorisation for a period of 16 years and to extend the authorisation to future participants who meet certain criteria.

The Draft Determination can be found on the ACCC's website under 'Authorisations'.

In accordance with s. 90A of the Trade Practices Act the ACCC invites interested parties to notify it in writing by 30 January 2006 whether they wish the ACCC to hold a conference in relation to the Draft Determination. For the purposes of the conference an interested person is a person who has notified the ACCC in writing that they, or a specified unincorporated association of which they are a member, claims to have an interest in the application and the ACCC is of the opinion that the interest is real and substantial.

Alternatively, interested parties may wish to make submissions on the Draft Determination including the proposed ring-fencing and confidentiality arrangements which will form part of the authorisation.

Submissions are due by 6 February 2006 and may be sent electronically to: AERInquiryataer [dot] gov [dot] au (AERInquiry[at]aer[dot]gov[dot]au), or else sent to:

Mike Buckley
General Manager
Access Branch
Australia Energy Regulator
PO Box 1199
Dickson ACT 2602

Unless confidentiality is requested submissions will be publicly available and placed on the ACCC's public register and website. If you wish to include information that is confidential it should be clearly marked as such. A statement providing reasons for the confidentiality claim should also be submitted.