The Wholesale energy market dispute resolution adviser (WEMDRA) advises all Market Participants in the National Electricity Market that it has referred a scheduling error matter to a dispute resolution panel (DRP) in accordance with clause 3.16.2 of the National Electricity Rules (NER). The DRP member is Tom Clarke of counsel.
The matter is for access to the participant compensation fund for a scheduling error declared by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO). The error occurred on 10 August 2022. Please refer to AEMO’s report for further details of the error.
Under the NER any participant can initiate a process to claim compensation arising from this scheduling error if it believes it may have incurred a compensable loss based on the application of the compensation principles in clause 3.16.2 of the NER.
The WEMDRA and AEMO have also jointly written to all participants who may have a claim of above $5,000 and who have not yet indicated an intention to submit a claim for compensation. In dealing with this matter, the DRP needs to satisfy itself as to the possibility of further claims as far as is practical.
If any market participant wishes to claim compensation in relation to this matter, they should contact the WEMDRA at shirliresolveadvisors [dot] com [dot] au (shirli[at]resolveadvisors[dot]com[dot]au) no later than close of business Friday 10 March 2023.