We are calling for submissions on AusNet Services’ cost pass through application relating to transmission network costs incurred due to the 13 February 2024 storm event in Victoria. The storm caused six transmission towers to collapse on the Moorabool to Sydenham 500kV transmission lines near Anakie, southwest of Melbourne, impacting the operation of the National Electricity Market.
AusNet Services incurred $27.4 million ($2022) in incremental costs (capital and operating expenditure) due to the storm, and has proposed to recover incremental revenue of $2.3 million ($2022) over the remaining two years of the 2022–27 regulatory period.
We invite stakeholder submissions on AusNet Services' cost pass through application by 17 March 2025. Please refer to the AusNet Services’ storm cost pass though application webpage for instructions on how to make submissions.
A cost pass through application allows network businesses to recover their efficient costs, not accounted for in current revenue determinations, associated with natural disasters such as severe storms.
Our role
Under the National Electricity Rules, the AER is required to assess cost pass through applications from network businesses, including in relation to natural disaster events. In making this assessment, the AER uses the principle that consumers should pay no more than necessary for safe and reliable energy.