The AER is conducting a review of its ICT expenditure assessment methodology. This review is part of our continuous improvement of our regulatory toolkit for assessing electricity determinations and will help to ensure that energy consumers pay no more than necessary for the safe and reliable distribution of electricity.
ICT is increasingly becoming a more integral component of delivering energy services. In line with this, we are considering whether our current set of ICT expenditure assessment tools are fit for purpose both now and into the future.
We have developed some preliminary thinking which we now wish to discuss with stakeholders to assist us in developing our views. In this consultation paper we outline a suggested revised ICT expenditure assessment approach for us to apply in future regulatory determinations. However, the views we hear on this paper will be used to further refine our assessment approach.
Invitation for submissions
We are now seeking submissions from interested stakeholders on Consultation on ICT Expenditure Assessment by 19 June 2019. Submissions should be emailed "Attention: Chris Pattas, General Manager, Distribution" at AERInquiryaer [dot] gov [dot] au (subject: Submission%20to%20ICT%20Expenditure%20Assessment) (AERinquiry[at]aer[dot]gov[dot]au) with the following title in the email: Consultation on ICT Expenditure Assessment.
Alternatively, written submissions can also be sent to:
Mr Chris Pattas
General Manager, Distribution
Australian Energy Regulator
GPO Box 520
Melbourne, VIC, 3001
The AER prefers that all submissions be sent in an electronic format in Microsoft Word or other text readable document form and publicly available, to facilitate an informed, transparent and robust consultation process. Accordingly, submissions will be treated as public documents and posted on the AER's website, unless prior arrangements are made with the AER to treat the submission, or portions of it, as confidential. Those wishing to submit confidential information are requested to:
- clearly identify the information that is the subject of the confidentiality claim; and
- provide a non-confidential version of the submission.