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The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) today released updated Guidance on the family violence protections in the Retail Rules. 

The Guidance covers energy retailers’ key responsibilities to customers affected by family violence under the National Energy Retail Rules and sets out the AER’s compliance expectations. 

It replaces our previous interim guidance note published in April 2023, providing more detailed compliance expectations informed by the AER’s experience, engagement with family violence experts and other regulatory bodies’ engagement with victim survivors. 

It also highlights the relevant civil penalty provisions, and new compulsory reporting requirements for retailers commencing in 2025. This includes self-reporting breaches of certain family violence rules and quarterly reporting of data around numbers of customers affected by family violence. 

Energy retailers should review their family violence policy and their systems, processes and training, in light of our updated Guidance, and where appropriate, implement any improvements to ensure they remain aligned with best practice. 

Supporting consumers affected by family violence is an enduring AER Compliance and Enforcement priority, which means it is an area the AER will always prioritise


Family violence is a critical issue in Australia with one in 4 women and around one in 14 men having experienced violence by a current or previous intimate partner. 

Essential services, including energy, can be exploited by perpetrators of family violence to cause harm. Energy retailers have a critical role in supporting customers affected by family violence and reducing and preventing the harm that perpetrators can inflict through the energy market. 

The National Energy Retail Rules include important obligations on all energy retailers to protect and support customers affected by family violence. This covers both residential and small business customers across National Energy Customer Framework jurisdictions. 

These obligations commenced on 1 May 2023 following a rule change process conducted by the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC). The final determination and the final rule were published by the AEMC in September 2022.

Please call the 24-hour national family and domestic violence counselling line if you or someone you know needs help: 1800 737 732.