The Australian Energy Regulator has released its revised Retail Exempt Selling Guideline and accompanying Notice of Final Instrument. The revised guideline (version 4) comes into effect from the date of publication.
All sellers of energy must hold either an authorisation or an exemption under the National Energy Retail Law. The purpose the guideline is to assist anyone selling energy incidentally or on a small scale, such as retirement villages, caravan parks and landlords, understand if they may be eligible for an exemption, how to register or apply and the conditions they must comply with if they hold an exemption.
Informed by public consultation, we revised the guideline to strengthen a number of customer protections and better regulate low risk energy selling activities, while reducing the regulatory burden for sellers. We have also made the guideline easier to understand.
The guideline and notice are published on the Retail Exempt Selling Guideline - March 2016 page on the AER website.