Issue date
AER reference
AC 470/11

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) today released its Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) final determination, in relation to CitiPower, Jemena, Powercor, SP AusNet and United Energy’s AMI budgets and charges for 2012–15.

The final determination establishes the basis for the metering charges payable by Victorian consumers using less than 160MWh of electricity per annum over the period 2012 to 2015.

The AER's final determination approves a total forecast expenditure of $1.1 billion. In response to the AER’s draft determination, all distribution businesses, other than SP AusNet, submitted lower amended budget proposals.

The distribution network services providers’ budgets and charges applications, the AER’s final determination and consultant’s report are available on the AER's website.