Issue date
AER reference
AC 62/22

The AER is seeking submissions on our proposed new methodology to assist network planning for the integration of distributed energy resources (DER), such as rooftop solar, batteries and electric vehicles.

Our customer export curtailment value, or CECV, methodology will be used by electricity distribution network businesses to quantify the benefits to customers associated with proposed investments that support DER integration.

We have developed the draft methodology in response to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s recent access, pricing and incentive arrangements for distributed energy resources rule change, which aims to facilitate small-scale solar into the grid and support the growth of batteries and electric vehicles. It also allows network energy businesses to propose two-way tariff pricing that may only be implemented following approval from the AER.

Our CECV methodology, along with our broader guidance on DER integration expenditure, will ensure that distribution network investments to support DER integration are valued by customers.

The draft CECV methodology is accompanied by an explanatory statement which explains how the AER considered stakeholder feedback on the CECV methodology issues paper.

Invitation for submissions

Consultation on the draft CECV methodology and explanatory statement is open until 6 May 2022. Feedback will be used to inform the final CECV methodology, due to be published in June 2022.