Issue date
AER reference
AC 012/13

The AER is committed to keeping stakeholders well informed on our work in the Better Regulation program. We have published the first of our monthly newsletter updates to tell stakeholders about our progress in the Better Regulation program. We have also published a calendar on the Better Regulation web page listing the key dates and events in all workstreams. The newsletter and calendar are available on the Better Regulation page.

Our newsletter update highlights the previous month’s events, and the current month’s upcoming events. We will also have a ‘spotlight’ with more information on one of our Better Regulation projects. In our February newsletter the ‘spotlight’ is on our rate of return workstream.

The calendar on the Better regulation web page shows when each workstream is planning to publish papers and hold workshops. We have provided these dates as a guide for stakeholders. The details of each event will be finalised closer to each date, and we will notify stakeholders via the website and mailing lists.

We encourage stakeholders who would like to be involved to contact the work streams they are interested in, or contact our general email betterregulationataer [dot] gov [dot] au (betterregulation[at]aer[dot]gov[dot]au).

Key Documents
