The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has published its gas transmission final decision for the Amadeus Gas Pipeline 2021–26 access arrangement commencing 1 July 2021.
APT Pipelines (Northern Territory) Pty Limited (APTNT) is a subsidiary of APA Group who owns and operates the Amadeus Gas Pipeline. The Amadeus Gas Pipeline plays a major role in energy supply in the Northern Territory, transporting natural gas to Darwin, Alice Springs and regional centres, principally for power generation.
Our final decision sets out the maximum prices APTNT can collect from gas consumers through transmission tariffs from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2026.
APTNT can recover revenue of $97.9 million from its gas consumers from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2026. This is a reduction of $20.6 million from the current 2016–21 period.
Our final decision provides an initial decrease to tariffs of 37.9 per cent in the first year, followed by smaller annual decreases to tariffs in the remaining years.
Our final decision approves the inclusion of an interruptible service, which is provided on an as available basis, where capacity usually available to a user is not consumed and made available to other pipeline users. This is an important new service on the Amadeus Gas Pipeline because capacity for firm transportation services is fully contracted to existing pipeline users.