Issue date
AER reference
AC 155/20

The AER has published an issues paper continuing a review of the Electricity Distribution Ring-fencing Guideline (the Guideline). The issues paper seeks stakeholder feedback on:

  • incorporating refinements in the Guideline to reflect the changing nature of services offered by distribution businesses, including via the use of new technology such as stand-alone power systems and storage devices; and
  • clarifying and improving certain obligations to make the Guideline clearer and simpler.

We are now seeking submissions from interested stakeholders on the issues paper by Monday, 21 December 2020.

Find out more about making a submission.


Ring-fencing supports competition in markets for electricity services and the efficiency of regulated network services provided to consumers on a monopoly basis. It does this by requiring a network service provider to separate parts of its business that provide regulated services from the parts of its business that provide unregulated services.