Issue date
AER reference
AC 005/13

On 6 November 2012, the AER received a cost pass through application from ActewAGL Distribution (ActewAGL) for costs associated with its National Energy Customer Framework (NECF) implementation on 1 July 2012. In its application, ActewAGL proposed a positive pass through amount of $1 997 929.42 (including the time cost of money).

The AER assessed ActewAGL’s pass through application in accordance with clause 6.6.1 of the National Electricity Rules (NER) and the AER determination currently applying to ActewAGL.

On 22 January 2013, the AER released its determination on ActewAGL's pass through application. The AER determined that $1 997 929.42 ($2011–12) is the approved pass through amount. This means that in 2013-14 ActewAGL can increase its approved revenue by $1 997 929.42 (an increase of 1.065% from the determination). For ActewAGL customers the increase in revenue can be recovered from customers through higher network charges from 1 July 2013.