Issue date
AER reference
AC 160/18

A key source of transmission planning information is set to become more comprehensive, clear and fit for data analytics after the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) published its first transmission annual planning report (TAPR) guideline.

The TAPR guideline will support transmission businesses to provide a set of consistent and easy to access information, which will complement the TAPR documents published on 30 June each year. Similar to the equivalent document for distribution businesses, the TAPR guideline will include a template that supports providing data in a form that simplifies its use in data analytics.

TAPR data will include information on forecast investments at each connection point and the location and size of applicant generator connections. This information will help generators and large transmission customers make informed connection decisions. It will also inform non-network businesses on where they can offer energy services to address limitations on the transmission network.

The TAPR guideline follows from the transmission connection and planning arrangements rule determination that the Australian Energy Market Commission made in May 2017.