Issue date

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has today published proposed changes to the Ring-fencing guideline (electricity distribution) – Updating the guidelinealong with an accompanying explanatory statement. The statement seeks stakeholder feedback on proposed updates to the Ring-fencing guideline (Electricity distribution) (the guideline).

We are proposing updates to the guideline to improve administrative efficiency and to increase the flexibility of ring-fencing waivers.

The consultation paper details two proposed changes for stakeholder consideration:

  • Removing the current maximum term duration for waivers, with appropriate term lengths to be assessed on a case-by-case basis by the AER; and
  • Standardising sign-off for annual compliance reports by the most senior executive in an organisation.

We are interested in stakeholder views on these proposed changes, and in understanding the impact and consequences that these changes may have.

Next steps 

We invite stakeholders to provide written submissions on our proposed changes by 28 January. Submissions and requests to make a submission via alternative methods should be emailed to AERringfencingataer [dot] gov [dot] au (AERringfencing[at]aer[dot]gov[dot]au).  

Submissions will inform our decision on the final guideline, in accordance with the distribution consultation procedures in the National Electricity Rules.