The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) is seeking stakeholder input into the development of guidelines to make the integrated system plan (ISP) actionable. The issues paper released today looks at issues related to the development of:
- a new cost benefit analysis guideline
- a new forecasting best practice guideline
- updates to existing regulatory investment test (RIT) instruments
- updates to existing RIT application guidelines.
The ISP will provide a whole of system plan for the efficient development of the power system that meets power system needs for a planning horizon of at least 20 years. The Energy Security Board (ESB) is developing new rules to give effect to the ISP and strengthen its links with the transmission planning process. These draft rules were published for consultation on 20 November 2019. Our guidelines consultation process will occur concurrently with the ESB’s rules consultation process.
Invitation for submissions
We invite interested stakeholders to make written submissions in response to the specific questions raised in this paper, or any other matter relevant to the development of guidelines to make the ISP actionable. Submissions are requested by the close of business on 17 January 2020 and should be emailed to ISPguidelinesaer [dot] gov [dot] au (ISPguidelines[at]aer[dot]gov[dot]au).