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The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) today published its determination on AusNet Services’ cost pass through application to recover costs related to easement land tax payable for the 2024–25 regulatory year, as assessed by the State Revenue Office of Victoria.

Our decision is to approve AusNet Services' proposed pass through amount of $55.8 million. This will allow AusNet Services to recover its actual easement land tax costs in the 2024–25 regulatory year.

The National Electricity Rules recognise the risk that AusNet Services’ land tax assessments may vary from forecast costs during a regulatory control period. The rules allow for AusNet Services to recover its actual total land tax payable each year. We are satisfied the proposed pass through amount is appropriate and meets the rule requirements. 

The pass through amount is consistent with the amount recovered by AusNet Services in 2023–24. As a result, there is no material change to consumer bills for the 2024–25 regulatory year.