The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has approved Evoenergy’s 2022-23 gas tariff variation notice in accordance with its 2021-26 access arrangement.
This is the second year of the 2021–26 access arrangement for Evoenergy. The access arrangement sets the cost of delivering gas supply to customers over five years.
Each year Evoenergy submits to the AER for approval a tariff variation notice that contains the tariffs it proposes to charge its customers to recover its revenues for the upcoming year.
Gas bills are made up of a number of components including the wholesale cost, retail margins, and distribution charges. This decision relates to the distribution component of the bill.
In 2022-23, the distribution component of the typical annual bill for Evoenergy’s customers is $27 higher for households and small businesses, compared to the previous year. These changes will come into effect from 1 July 2022.
The distribution tariff increases account for the return on debt update (an increase of 2.15%), and the 3.50% increase in the CPI in the year to December 2021.
These increases are consistent with the price path we set in our 2021–26 access arrangement to allow Evoenergy to recover its efficient costs of operating and ensures consumers pay no more than they need for safe and reliable gas services.