The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has today approved the 2019–20 distribution network tariffs as proposed by TasNetworks (TAS), which will see network tariffs declining from 1 July 2019.
These distribution network tariffs implement the first year of the AER’s 2019 distribution determination, which reduced the amount of revenue TasNetworks could recover from its customers over 2019–24.
If retailers pass on the changes in distribution network tariffs in full and other components of the bill are unchanged, bills for residential consumers in 2019–20 will decrease by $16.64 and for small business customers, by $16.92.
In Tasmania, retail standing offer prices for residential and small business customers are regulated by the state regulator, the Office of the Tasmanian Economic Regulator, and network tariffs provide a key input into these regulated retail rates
The AER acknowledges that energy bills are a concern to many consumers. We encourage consumers to use the AER’s EnergyMadeEasy website, our free and independent price comparison tool, to find the best deal.
The approved distribution network tariffs will take effect from 1 July 2019.
The AER approves tariffs which are the cost network cost component of a retail bill.
Retailers use networks tariffs to develop their market offers.
Network tariffs are one component that can impact a bill. Other components include distribution, transmission, wholesale and retail.