Ms Shirli Kirschner has been appointed by the AER as the National Electricity Market Dispute Resolution Adviser.
Ms Kirschner, of Resolve Advisors, has performed the role of National Electricity Market Dispute Resolution Adviser since 2001. The AER has appointed Ms Kirschner for a period of two years. Ms Kirschner will have limited availability due to maternity leave until March 2006. During that time, Mr Paul Stein, a former Judge of the Land and Environment Court of New South Wales and the Court of Appeal of New South Wales, will assist Ms Kirschner for the period of her maternity leave.
The Dispute Resolution Adviser's role is to ensure that the National Electricity Market dispute resolution processes operate effectively. The NEM dispute resolution regime has been developed to be simple, quick and inexpensive, and to preserve relationships between industry participants while observing the rules of natural justice.