Issue date
AER reference
AC 067/16

The AER has re-appointed Ms Shirli Kirschner of Resolve Advisors Pty Ltd as the Dispute Resolution Adviser under the National Electricity and Gas Rules.

As the Dispute Resolution Adviser, Ms Kirschner will be responsible for the effective operation of the dispute resolution frameworks set out in Chapter 8 of the National Electricity Rules and Part 15C of the National Gas Rules. These provisions provide frameworks that facilitate simple, quick and inexpensive resolution of disputes between energy market participants, and between energy market participants and the Australian Energy Market Operator. The frameworks aim to preserve the relationships between the parties and reduce the need for formal legal representation or the use of legal procedures.

Ms Kirschner has performed the role of the Dispute Resolution Adviser under the National Electricity Rules since 2001 and under the National Gas Rules since 2009.

We look forward to continuing to work with Ms Kirschner and encourage participants to fully cooperate and support Ms Kirschner and the dispute resolution scheme.

This appointment will take effect from 1 July 2016.