Issue date
AER reference
AC 017/06

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has received APT Petroleum Pipelines Limited's application for its revised access arrangement for the Roma to Brisbane (RBP) pipeline. The initial documents were received on 31 January 2006, and the ACCC has since been seeking further information to enable it to commence its review. As most of this information has now been received, or will be received shortly, the ACCC is commencing its assessment. The ACCC will be assisted by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) in this assessment.

Submissions are now sought from users, customers, potential users and other interested parties. Submissions should reach the ACCC by Thursday 18 May 2006. APTPPL's submission and associated documentation, including an issues paper prepared by the ACCC, can be found on the AER's website www.aer.gov.au. By registering for the email alert service on the AER website, you can be kept up to date when updated information or submissions are posted.

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