The Day Ahead Auction (DAA) is a centralised auction platform providing the release of contracted but un-nominated transportation capacity on designated pipelines and compression facilities across eastern Australia. The auction, facilitated by AEMO, enables transportation facility users to procure residual capacity on a day-ahead basis after nomination cut-off, with a zero reserve price and compressor fuel provided. AEMO operates the Capacity Trading Platform (CTP) and DAA across the east coast.
Participants may bid in to the DAA in order to procure the following services:
• forward haul pipeline services with products offered in both directions on bi-directional pipelines;
• interruptible backhaul services; and
• stand-alone compression services (Moomba, Wallumbilla, Ballera, Iona).
This figure shows the number of participants each month that have won capacity on pipelines and compressors through the DAA. Capacity is displayed by date of delivery (gas day).