Expressions of interest for registration as default and additional Retailers of Last Resort (RoLRs) and recent appointments.
Default RoLRs
The AER is not currently accepting expressions of interest (EoIs) for registration as default RoLR.
Additional RoLRs
The AER has responsibility for registering additional RoLRs who are interested in taking on customers of a failed retailer in the case of a RoLR event. The AER will assess any EoIs from interested retailers in the ACT, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania (for electricity only) and Queensland.
Retailers can submit firm or non-firm offers to the AER through the additional RoLR EoI process. A firm offer is an offer by a retailer to act as an additional RoLR under the terms and conditions outlined in the retailer’s EoI. A firm offer remains binding on a retailer until that offer expires. Retailers registered as additional RoLRs with firm offers are required to confirm their offers with the AER every three months. A non-firm offer is an expression of interest by a retailer to act as an additional RoLR that does not commit them to acting in that role. Where a retailer makes a non-firm offer, then prior to any potential appointment as a designated RoLR, the AER will confirm with that retailer whether it is still prepared and capable of being appointed under the terms and conditions proposed in the EoI. The AER reviews the registration of additional RoLRs with non-firm offers every two years.
Further information about the additional RoLR EoI process and the AER’s approach to appointing RoLRs is outlined in the AER’s RoLR Guidelines and Statement of Approach.
For your information and to assist with the EoI process, copies of the additional RoLR EoI templates are available below.
Should you wish to be considered as an additional RoLR in electricity and/or gas, please submit an EoI in the required form. EoIs can be submitted at any time by emailing AERRoLRaer [dot] gov [dot] au (AERRoLR[at]aer[dot]gov[dot]au) with ‘Additional RoLR EoI’ in the subject line.
Additional RoLR Expression of Interest non-firm offer template
Additional RoLR Expression of Interest firm offer template
Expressions of interest under review
Currently there are no expressions of interest under review.