Consumers that speak a language other than English can learn more about: 

  • How to save money on their energy bills
  • How to get help if they’re having trouble paying their bills or have a problem with their energy company, and
  • What happens when an energy company goes out of business (a Retailer of Last Resort event).

The shareable content below includes social media post text (Word) and images (jpg), as well as a fact sheet for consumers that includes frequently asked questions and answers about Retailer of Last Resort events.

Having trouble paying your energy bill? #

If you are having trouble paying your energy bill and English is not your first language, you might find these translated publications helpful. They are designed to be printed and folded into thirds like a brochure.

Translated energy information from other organisations#

There are other organisations that have a range of resources in other languages available for energy consumers.

Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW (EWON)

EWON has a range of resources in other languages available, including information on how to help resolve issues with your energy company, opening/closing accounts and payment assistance.

Visit EWON's website(link is external)

EWOSA has a fact sheet in multiple languages which includes information about the services they offer consumers.

Visit EWOSA's website(link is external)

Energy & Water Ombudsman South Australia (EWOSA)