The AER is a designated data holder under Competition and Consumer (Consumer Data Right) Rules 2020 and provides energy product reference data (PRD) for application programming interfaces (APIs).

The Get Generic Plans and Get Generic Plan Detail PRD APIs provide access to generic energy plan data held by the AER and Victoria’s Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action. This includes:

  1. Plan identification details: plan name, fuel type, brand
  2. Geography details: supply areas
  3. Metering charge details
  4. Electricity and gas contract details: terms, incentives, discounts, fees, eligibility


The AER continues to implement its Consumer Data Right solution in alignment with the Consumer Data Standards.

Get Generic Plan Detail endpoint
3 March 2025

Version 2 is now retired and no longer available to data recipients.

Version 3 is now available and compliant with the Consumer Data Standards Get Generic Plan Detail V3


For detailed instructions on accessing information through our APIs, refer to our fact sheet.

AER only provides current & future plans in the Get Generic Plans end point as per the Consumer Data Standards. If you believe that including expired plans would enhance your product offering, we welcome your feedback. 

We are continuously working to improve our products for our customers. Please email us at cdr-supportataer [dot] gov [dot] au (cdr-support[at]aer[dot]gov[dot]au)

By default, the Get Generic Plans end point only returns one page of 25 plans at a time. To view all plans, you must make a separate call for each page indicated by the totalPages number in the meta object of the response. 

The screenshot displays an API response which shows that based on the API parameters, 318 records (energy plans) are returned which are distributed across 13 pages.

This is done by setting the page request parameter to the required page number. Setting the page-size request parameter to a maximum of 1,000 will reduce the totalPages count and the number of calls required to retrieve all plans.

The below example will retrieve page 2 which will contain 100 plans.

Postman screenshot displaying API query parameters: 'Type', 'FuelType', 'Effective', 'upload-since', 'brand', 'page-size', 'page'. Default values are shown, except for 'page-size' set to 100 and 'page' set to 2.

This error occurs because the Get Generic Plans API only supports version 1, while the Get Generic Plan Detail API has versions greater than 1. 

To resolve the issue, please make sure to use the correct API call for Get Generic Plans by sending a request to:, with the following headers:

  • x-v = 1
  • x-min-v = 1

Further Information

Contact: cdr-supportataer [dot] gov [dot] au (cdr-support[at]aer[dot]gov[dot]au)