Today we commenced public consultation on the stage 2 contingent project application from Transgrid for its HumeLink project.
As part of its stage 2 application, Transgrid has proposed $4,312 million ($ real 2022/23) of capital expenditure, including costs for design and construction, labour, overheads (indirect costs), social licence, biodiversity offsets, land acquisition and residual risks. Transgrid’s incremental revenue forecast to deliver HumeLink stage 2 is $619.6 million ($ nominal) over the 2023–28 period.
Our role is to review the prudency and efficiency of the proposed costs to ensure consumers pay no more than necessary.
Submissions are invited on the stage 2 contingent project application for the HumeLink project and are due by 3 April 2024. Please email submissions to contingentprojectsaer [dot] gov [dot] au.
Transgrid published its draft stage 2 contingent application in December 2023 and noted that, given the increase in estimated costs since it published the project assessment conclusions report, it was updating its RIT-T NPV analysis to confirm that there is no change in the preferred option to deliver HumeLink. Transgrid has now published this analysis on its website.