On 13 March 2008, TransGrid submitted a notice of proposed pass-through for network support under the pass-through rules in the ACCC's Decision on the NSW and ACT Transmission Network Revenue Cap 2004–05 to 2008–09 (April 2005).
The AER engaged Nuttall Consulting to review technical matters in relation to the pass-through notice and following its public consultation process, the AER received a submission from the Energy Users Association of Australia.
On 9 May 2008, the AER formed the opinion that the proposed pass-through amount of $21,904,164 to be applied over the 2008–09 financial year satisfies the requirements of the pass-through rules.
A copy of the statement of reasons for the AER's opinion is available from the AER's website, along with a report by Nuttall Consulting and a submission from the Energy Users Association of Australia.